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Time to Awaken the Resources within You

Updated: Dec 28, 2020

Are you ready to rise and be the best version of you?

Zoe is a lifestyle and wellbeing coach, working with clients both online and in-person to help them make profound and lasting change, unlocking minds and lives so that they can live the life they want, with confidence.

With coaching, we start with your present state.

Where you are now.

Who you are now.

The person you have become.

Then we help you gain clarity on where you want to get to.

What do you want your future to look like?

How do you want your 'tomorrow' to be?

What resources do you need to get you there?

Then we can identify what you already have within you (even if it lies dormant) and what else you need to make it happen.

We will help you work out why it is important to make it happen.

What is your compelling purpose?

Then I will support and guide you while you start your journey to making it happen!

Some journeys are longer than others so Phoenix Life & Wellbeing Coaching has a Community that supports all of the services and builds a long term network of support and accountability as you continue your journey.

Whether you are looking for Individual / Personal Coaching or a dedicated programme of support then you will find something for you.

For more info, or to book in a clarity call click HERE to visit the website

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