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Ditch or Enrich your NY Resolutions ?

I have searched google to try and work out what today is about. It would appear that today is an excuse (if you are looking for one) to give up on your New Years Resolutions (if you set them).

I think, that the positive element of this, is that it is a good time to review the goals that you have set and ask yourself a couple of questions;

Is it actually what you want?

Is it realistic and achievable?

If you have been following my blogs since August then you will have seen several blogs where I talk about setting goals, and how best to achieve them. You may have even dialled in to a webinar or come along to a workshop to learn more. Through any of these channels you will have heard me talk about how the desire to change must be more than the desire to stay the same.

I would like you to ask yourself this about your goal/New Years resolution.

Is it actually what you want?

When you achieve your goal how will it look? How will it feel? What will be different? How will you be different? What new behaviours will you have? What old behaviours will you have left behind?

How does it feel when you think about achieving your goal?

The answers should all be positive. For many of us t is a long journey to achieve the goals we have set. Long journeys of long days and many decisions. If we do not feel that the end goal is worth it then we will take the easy route, and the easy route will take us off the path to success.

If you are training for a marathon. You need to visualise how that looks. How does crossing the finishing line look? How will you feel? What will be different about you after your months of training? How will you be different? What behaviours will you have learned during the training months? What old behaviours will you have left behind?

When you visualise how this looks and feels you need to feel positive emotions and quite possibly a small rush of Adrenalin too!

This is what you need to remind yourself of on the nights when it is cold, dark and raining and your schedule says you have an 8 mile run to do. Reminding yourself of this is what will help you put your trainers on and get going. Thinking about the success, pride and sense of achievement is what will get you past mile 6.

Too many people think about what their goal is without really thinking about what it means.

Is it achievable?

It needs to be challenging enough to give you that sense of excitement and the intrinsic motivation to drive you forward, but not too challenging that it doesn’t seem achievable so you get a sense of overwhelm and jack it all in.

If it doesn’t feel achievable what do you need to change to ensure that it does? Do you need to change the size of the goal, for example a half marathon instead of a full marathon or do you need to reset the timescale so Bristol in September rather than Bath in March.

These are the two main points. There are lots of others but I have covered many of them off in other blogs so have feel free to click on the links and browse.

As one last pointer – Record and Review. Make sure you are writing all this down! On the days where you are struggling most it is often inspiring to look back to see how much you have already achieved. You can also use this record to review your progress and check you are on track!

Monday we renamed Blue Monday to #SaynotoBlueMonday.

Today we will rename the day #EnrichyourNYResolutionsDay

Lets not ditch them, lets improve and enhance the quality of them.

**Further support **

If you need further support with setting and achieving your goals then check the Series of webinars in particular around Managing your mindset and Self Limiting Beliefs.

You can also download the goal setting PDF which will help the record and review elements

If you aren’t sure which is best for you then book in a clarity call and we can discuss what you want to achieve and how Phoenix can support and empower you to achieve them

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