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Finding the Positive's

Updated: Mar 8, 2020

Back at the beginning of August I wrote a blog about self-belief...

Catch it here if you missed it:

This was a couple of days before I had my biggest competition of the year and as yet I haven’t given you an update!

Well, it is safe to say that not all went to plan! Long story short, I hurt my back in the first event. The physio on site was confident it was ligament damage and not my disc and so I took a fair few pain killers, covered myself in deep heat and carried on.

It was a mixed day, I didn’t do as well as I was hoping to. I did smash the truck pull and come 2nd in that event and that helped me claw back some desperately needed points.

I ended up mid pack and half a point off a qualifying space for Britain’s Strongest Woman. I didn’t know this at the time, I found this out a couple of days later. I knew I hadn’t qualified on the day but I didn’t know it was that close.

Whilst this was disappointing, and frustrating, by the time I found this out, the damage to my back had resulted in a trapped nerve, a dead leg, considerable pain and advice from the chiropractor that I would not be training for 4-6 weeks.

If I had qualified on the day and then not been able to train, then I honestly believe that this would have been even more frustrating.

So, all in all, not a great situation. No lifting, no training. 4-6 weeks out.

It hasn’t been all bad though. I have been cleared to walk and go to Pilates, not something that was in my routine before. This has given me an opportunity to try something different and the change of pace has been really nice!

Not being at the gym training has given me 3 evenings and an afternoon back. It has given me time and energy to put into new work and building the business.

An hour walk on a sunny evening or a Pilates session has helped me maintain the balance and clear my head so that I’m not working all the time.

Don’t get me wrong this has been mentally tough, watching the girls train for a competition I won’t be at isn’t easy, going to classes where I don’t know what I am doing or know anybody has also been a challenge.

The bottom line is, I can’t change the situation so I have to change how I approach it. I have searched for the positives so that I don’t get sucked in to the negatives. A positive mindset is essential to help make this situation easier.

I firmly believe that there is always a positive. Sometimes you just have to look a little harder.

- Zoe

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